The DevCon Team Stands Ready
to Partner with You

Salesforce consultant Ben Culver

Ben Culver

SALESFORCE RANK: Administrator 

FAVORITE SALESFORCE FEATURE: Trailhead, because Salesforce does such a great job of providing people a way to learn the product without being actively employed to use it.


EDUCATION: B.A., information technology

CERTIFICATIONS: Salesforce Administrator

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: “Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom will come to you that way.”—Christopher Hitchens

INDUSTRIES WORKED: Military. Delivery.

WHY DEVCON PARTNERS IS RIGHT FOR YOU: I liked company founder Dorian Earl and the atmosphere he promotes. Dorian gave me the opportunity to help with an existing client. From there, he offered me more opportunities until it was my full-time job.

FUN FACT: I have two Great Danes.


HOME: Charleston, SC

FAMILY: Married 7 years

GOALS: To become the person people think of when they get stuck while trying to automate tasks of any scale.